martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

I can't stand it!!!

I'm getting so sick of living in the dorm. I've had my complaints all year, about the food, the size of my room, not being able to have visitors, etc., but those are all things I can deal with. The one thing that has driven me absolutely nuts every single time is the laundry. It has been bad all along, but has gotten worse now. Originally we had one normal washer and one dryer (yes, I know I should feel lucky that I have a dryer) for 80 + residents. It was hard to find a time when both the washer and dryer were free. Because if you use both at the same time the fuse blows... So, it would normally take me a few days to clean my clothes; from the time I decided I needed to do laundry until the washing machine was actually available.

Last week they exchanged the washer and dryer for new, smaller, and apparently more economical versions. Unfortunately, the wash cycle on the new machine takes TWO HOURS! And, when I took my clothes out of the washer, after 2 hours, they were sopping wet. So I had to wring out all of my clothes in the sink, then put them in the dryer for another 2 hours. Now I don't know how I will ever have time to wash my clothes. I put them in the washer tonight at 9pm, it's now 11, and they won't be done until 1am. To me this is absurd. I have put up with a lot of inconvencies living here, but this just seems totally ridiculous. Yes, it costs less now, but I don't have time to sit around the dorm for 4 hours waiting for my clothes.

In January I actually decided to look for an apartment, because I was tired of living here. I ended up deciding that I could stick it out for the next couple months, just because it was free. I had a really hard time thinking about paying for an apartment when I have everything here for free. I will never live in a dorm again though! The positive side of living in the residence is that I don't think I will ever have another living sitaution as inconvenient as this. And I will greatly appreciate having my own place next year, even though it means I have to clean and take care of all the other things that come with having an apartment. Now I know that having a free place to live is not necessarily worth all of the cons that come with it...

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